Economic developers from Irvine, Calif., and San Jose, Calif., describe the strategies they're using to persuade entrepreneurs to set up shop or expand
BusinessWeekBy Karen E. Klein
Maximize resources. The city of Irvine has a University of California campus within its boundaries. … "We draw on the intellectual horsepower of professors, interns, and students from UCI. It lends us a more educated workforce and higher standards for our local schools," says Christopher Lynch, vice-president for business and economic development at the Irvine Chamber of Commerce. …
Focus on nurturing locals. In San Jose, 39 percent of job growth comes from first-year startups, says Jeff Ruster, deputy director of the city’s Office of Economic Development. … In the past, startup companies that grow exponentially have located satellite facilities out of the state, where costs are lower, Ruster says. "Our value proposition is to keep their headquarters and their highly skilled job here," he says.
Community investment. Both cities make education and infrastructure a high priority, arguing that better living conditions attract ambitious, entrepreneurial residents. … That means long-term investment, much of it coming from local and state tax revenue, some in the form of school and construction bonds. "The entire community must support the quality of life for everyone so that talented entrepreneurs, workers, and their families will want to live and work in the community," [Ruster] says.
Creative partnerships. Ruster works not only in the city’s economic development office; he also serves as executive director of Work2Future, a workforce investment board that serves the larger Santa Clara County. … Although it is unusual to have one person head both agencies, "our vision was that we shouldn’t look at economic development and the workforce as two separate entities. There has been a bottleneck for corporate growth here because of the problem of finding talent. We felt the workforce investment board could and should play a role in [fixing] that." Because they come from the economic development side, job counselors are often better received by the unemployed: "People don’t see us walking up to their doorstep in a charity role."
Startup outreach. Even before they come looking for help, Lynch wants Irvine startups to get connected with local resources, training, and funding. … The Micropreneur Economic Development Program is something like an online training course, featuring seminars, webinars, and interviews with local business owners. Hands-on events are held regularly in conjunction with the TriTech Small Business Development Center, a Small Business Administration office that provides free consulting and workshops to fast-growth tech companies.
Ruster also wants his staff knocking on the doors at new companies and helping them connect. To that end, San Jose has established a separate website,, that lays out services from 40 organizations aimed at startups, from help with government procurement opportunities, to commercial leasing, to a database of prescreened job applicants. …
Entrepreneurial mindset. In order to help entrepreneurs, cities and business groups must adopt an entrepreneurial mindset themselves. "… We help them develop their network, look for co-branding opportunities for them, help find management and employees at every skill level, and offer support from expedited permitting to helping them demonstrate proof of concept. Instead of just helping them with real estate, we take a holistic approach," says Ruster.
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